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Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 17/10/2018

'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński Empty 'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński

Mer 17 Oct - 19:31
Discuss the following illustration entitled 'Dinner' by Pawel Kuczyński.

'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński Dinner10

1°) Express YOUR opinion & feelings about this illustration.
2°) According to you, why is it a satirical illustration?
Messages : 4
Date d'inscription : 26/10/2018
Age : 22

'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński Empty Re: 'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński

Ven 26 Oct - 19:18
In this picture we can see four persons around a table on which there is no food, but instead smartphones. The main color is grey whereas the screens are colorful, I think it’s to catch the eye. At the center, there is a plate with a diffuser of wifi. Nobody is looking at the others. Everyone is looking at his or her smartphone or touch pad, there are very concentrate. Moreover, the little boy seems to pray in front of his touch pad, like people do before eating. Here, food is replaced by the screens. This picture is sad because of the colors but also because of the characters, we can see that they don’t show any emotions.

This picture makes me think about our new generation. We can say that it is a satirical illustration because the goal is to denounce our addiction to the new technologies, and social medias.. This picture shows that this addiction breaks relationship in the family: in fact, in this picture, nobody communicate with the others. New technologies move closer us to people that we don’t know, on social media. But that takes away us from the real life, from our family.

Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2018

'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński Empty 'Dinner' by Pawel Kuczyński

Dim 28 Oct - 14:51
Hie everybody,
This is an illustration entitled ‘Dinner’ by the famous illustrator Pawel Kuczyński.
In this illustration we see a family. The parents and theirs two children are setted around the table and they pray.
In front of them, there are smartphones ad touch pad and at the center the picture a wifi broacasting station.
The predominant color is the grey, and the blue of the screens smartphones catch eye as said Alexia.
This is a staging of prayer before eating, because all the family pray and theirs smartphones seems to be their meal.
 It’s bring to my mind, in the American Christianist family, it’s pretty common to pray (second the historical research on the christianist tradition, the family thanks god because he gave the meal) before eating.
Isuppose that Kuczyński took up and distorted this religious tradition to show us that our ‘new religion’ is the smartphone and our god is the network.
He implies that nowdays, our center of interest is focused on the high technologies.
Afterward the young parents discoverded the news technologies became addict and they transmit this addication as a modern tradition to theirs children.
The grey color created a sad atmosphere. The life of this family is without colors. I suggest that a life without colors, it isn’t a life. Because we are all in colors, and the colors can represent deep emotion and feels. The life of this family is become ponderous and routine. 
That scared me because, if we assume that, the color represent the life in this illustration, the only color is the blue light emitted by these smartphones. So who's alive ? This family or these smartphones ?
This can imply, we share all of our life on the social network, and we forget to share our life now between us living and here. So, this way, our smartphone removed our life, because all our life is in our smartphone and on social media.
I think that, this illustration is a ironic representation of a zombies’family. In support to my opinion, as Alexia said, they don’t have any expression on their face and they are gray.
In my opinion, they don’t have any facial expression because they expressed themselves by emojis on theirs smartphones, and this way they are quiet and the gray show this. This color creat an atmosphere who reminds me the death. 

The smartphone and the social media have been created to close members of family or a friendships who are distants. To illustrate my argument : one lives in Manhattan and others live in Tokyo. So, the aim is to stay in contact with ours loved ones. But nowdays, sometimes we used this technology to discuss with people that we don't know, and the most part of the time, we don't carefull ! In fact, the smartphone takes us away instead of close us. We care to discuss on social media with ours friends and we forgot to discuss with ours loved ones who are side us. 
Moreover I add the family losed her coherence. Indeed, I think that, in certain family, the young parents buy a smartphone to theirs youngers childrens instead of buying something who can be an occupation for them or instead of share goods moments with them.
This way Alexia, I agree with you when you said that the people, and the family have forgotten to communicated in the real life.   

Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 30/10/2018

'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński Empty Re: 'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński

Ven 2 Nov - 11:11
This illustration don't looks joyful, when I look at it, I feel chocked. It looks really serious. We only see black, white and grey in exception of the tablets and phones in front of every members of the family. The scene looks like the prayer which is done before eating to thank God for the meal. But here, God is replaced by the WIFI, we can see it at the center of the picture, on the table.
The 4 members of the family are praying for the WIFI. It represents quite well today's generation, which is famous to be addict to phones, social medias, new technologies in general.
We can see the parents which are "affected" but there are their children too, it show us that this generation of addictive touch everybody.

According to me this illustration is very satirical, because it use the way of the religion to denounce something bad in our society. Of course social medias are very helpful and could be very great to meet people for example, but we have to use it less. It is the same thing for our phones, tablets and computers. Thanks to this illustration, the author pass a message, which can be interpreted in differents way.
Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 17/10/2018

'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński Empty Re: 'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński

Dim 4 Nov - 20:52
As you all said quite righlty, we should be careful with this new religion, often called "social networks"! However, the irony here is the fact that I personally discovered this artist thanks to Facebook and Twitter. Moreover, I do believe that Mr. Kuczyński uses Facebook to promote his satirical illustrations. I guess we can say that there are positive AND negative aspects when it comes to social networks. The important thing to remember is that we should always be careful with how we use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 04/11/2018

'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński Empty Re: 'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński

Mer 7 Nov - 20:57
We can see in this illustration that the dominant colors are shades of gray and blue. We see a family at the table, all with a screen instead of a plate and food. The wifi server is at the center of the table, which gives us the impression that they feed on the internet. We also realize that he does not communicate with each other, they are just focused on their tablets, phone,... Unlike "ordinary" families, who discusses at dinner, this family is content to take care of their electronic devices...

So, we can say that they are captivated by technology...

This illustration is sad and surprising and for me it is satirical because nowadays, everybody has a phone or a tablet in the hands. Especially since the creation of social networks like twitter, facebook, instagram or youtube, we are "cut off" from the world and we "forget" everything else (the family, ...).
What is even more surprising is that now even small children know how to use the phone, internet ... And they often become addicted to it.

To conclude, I think that the creator of this ilustration denounces all this; we become dependent on it.
Messages : 4
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2018

'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński Empty Re: 'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński

Dim 11 Nov - 16:43
I’m agree with what was said by my classmates.
This picture is a draw who represent a family of four people during a meal. But in their places, it’s not the food, it’s smartphones. They all are focused on their screen and they don’t talk to each other.
The mains colors are grey and blue. The blue represent the screen.
This family simulate a preach like believing families who prays before eating.
This picture is satirical because it denounce new technologies and the impact she has on the Man.
Moreover, this picture shows the lake of emotion ( for exemple : love, joy..) who should be present in a family. This fact is a sad one because he destroy the possibility to create complicity and to strengthen the ties.
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'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński Empty Re: 'Dinner' by by Pawel Kuczyński

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