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Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 17/10/2018

1. [TRAILER] Wild (2014) [GrpB] Empty 1. [TRAILER] Wild (2014) [GrpB]

Mer 9 Jan - 11:09
Here is the trailer of Wild to revive your memories. Take notes to summarise the plot in a few words.

- Pick out some QUOTES
- Describe the most striking passages
- Get ready to explain the story
in a short paragraph

Dernière édition par Teacher le Jeu 10 Jan - 15:57, édité 1 fois
Messages : 4
Date d'inscription : 26/10/2018
Age : 21

1. [TRAILER] Wild (2014) [GrpB] Empty Re: 1. [TRAILER] Wild (2014) [GrpB]

Jeu 10 Jan - 10:59
« I think about quit once every two minutes »

Cheryl Strayed, a young woman, started the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) ; because she lost her mother (who died of cancer) and her husband divorced with her. She was down- hearted, and fell into alcoohol, heroin and sex, she was totally disorientate. But six years later, she decided to take back the control of her life, to reconnect with herself. During this trip, memories of her ancient life came back to her mind, so gave her the strenght to continue this trail.
This film is inspired by the real story of Cheryl Strayed, with its shocking realistic moments which show the strong emotions she had to face all along her life (when she ripped her toe nail off for exemple or when her mother gave her corneas so she seemed to have no eyes).

« My mother was the love of my life »

Alexia, Capucine, Myriam
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